David and Goliath
King Saul of the Israelites is visited in Jerusalem by the Prophet Samuel who foretells him that a war with The Philistines is inevitable and the shepherd David will become king.
The Prophet Samuel foretells a new king will rule Israel to the dismay of King Saul and his cousin and commander in chief Abner. King Saul has been having a streak of bad luck since the Philistine captivity of the Ark and fears the newcomer but doesn't know who the new king will be.
The unsuspecting shepherd David visits Jerusalem where he is identified as the king. Abner decides to test his wisdom by asking how the Israelites can get around the Philistines' imposed edict that the only ones who may lawfully bear arms in defeated Israel are the officers of Saul's court and his palace guard. David replies that the Philistines have set no limit on the number of officers or palace guards.
Meanwhile, King Asrod of the Philistines plots another attack on the riches of Israel, this time accompanied by the fearsome giant Goliath.